Do we need Event Medical Cover?:

Yes, as an event organiser it is your legal responsibility to provide medical cover for people attending your event, however small. Event organisers should follow the Eventing Purple Guide which outlines the Health & Safety requirements for a public event. Like like is below.

What levels of staff can you provide?

We provide First Responders, Ambulance Technicians, Nurses and Paramedics.

What experience do your staff have?

Paramedics, Technicians, and First Responders are all current or recent NHS frontline staff and respond to 999 calls daily. Our Nurses are experienced Accident and Emergency staff . All staff working alone are experienced in the event industry, we ask new members of staff to shadow our managers until they are comfortable going out on their own.

We have staff with First Aid certificates, why do we need medical cover?

The organiser of any event has a duty of care to all people attending their event, the Health & Safety Executive stresses, just because a person has First Aid certification this does not qualify them as qualified to provide First Aid. The Event Safety Guide states:

‘Plan the provision of medical, ambulance and first-aid services along with the statutory services and appoint a competent organisation to provide medical management’ and ‘First aiders, ambulance and medical workers should: have relevant experience or knowledge of requirements for first aid at major public duties’

Where do you cover?

We are based in Shropshire, West Midlands however if you have an event further afield we will happily travel to you and provide the same standard of service.

I Just need a single medic, what equipment do they have?

All our events a supplied with a minimum quolification of First Responce Emergency Care Level 4, our FREC4 staff carry an AED, patient diognostic equipment, medical gases, major trauma kit, Basic Life Support equipment, standard first aid kit and minor imobalisation equipment.

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