No matter if its short or long term, we can come and support your site during the build process.
Our medics are much more than First Aid at Work, they are trained in trauma, crush injuries, electrocution, oxygen therapy, pain relief and much more.
We also train the medics in confined spaces and working at heights.
We provide all the equipment required for our medics to carry out their duties so there are no hidden costs. We also work with a supplier of rescue equipment for your ERT team.
We can put in an emergency phone line so you will have a dedicated number for the site medic. This can be set to work during working hours and forwarded to the duty medic should they be out the office.
Out medic will send your health and safety team a weekly report so you can monitor any accidents that are happening onsite.
Not only can our medics preform first aid duties but they also have a wealth of knowledge in how the ambulance service run. They can advise on best emergency routes, what equipment is required to preform rescues and liaise with local emergency services.
We do more than first aid, if a site worker needs some medical advice our medics will be able to signpost them to the best contact. We can also do monthly campaigns to promote healthy living, some include, testicular cancer, dust awareness, stress awareness, tinnitus awareness and many more.
Our Construction Medic can do more than sit and wait
We like our medics to be involved with your whole team. We can complete first aid audits, staff welfare, health checks, H&S reporting, response training and first aid CPD's.
There are no limits to our abilities, we will always try and accommodate your needs and we will build partnerships to try and facilitate this.
MW Medics Ltd
Company Number: 11007987
VAT Number: GB398085250